Full Name
Tatiana Anderson
Yoga Teacher
26 & 2, Buti, HIIT, LIIT, Vinyasa, Yin
It took awhile for me to find yoga, but once I did, my life changed forever. With my parents both being fitness huge enthusiasts, I literally grew up around the gym. From a young age I worked out daily, and loved challenging myself physically. As a teenager my passion for fitness grew, and I began training clients at the gym. By my mid-twenties I was competing and winning bodybuilding competitions. Once I stopped competing, I had a big void in my life to fill. I still craved the feeling I would get from an intense workout, but my passion for bodybuilding had long faded. I was a little lost and very unhappy. Then one night, shopping online, I bought a Groupon for 10 yoga classes. I stepped way outside my comfort zone the day I finally went to the studio and took my first class, but I'm so grateful I did.
Yoga found me at a time I needed it most.
After that first class, I dedicated myself to practicing almost daily and learning as much as I could about yoga. After a few months, I could feel the healing effect this practice had on me, physically and mentally. Years of weight training had made me strong on the outside, but yoga has made me strong from the inside out. This yoga practice is so much more than just another exercise class. With yoga you train your body, mind and spirit simultaneously.
I will forever be a student of yoga, and I am grateful that I am able to share what I have learned with other students....ones I already know, and ones I have not yet met.